API Information

Overview of the Intuition public API.

The Intuition public API is a REST API providing interaction points for building on Intuition. Our Portal app combines API interactions provided in this section with client-side contract interactions with our protocol. We're in the process of creating and exposing more resources to builders, so keep checking back for regular updates!

API Overview

Our public API is a REST API that supports GET and POST requests for offchain interactions. Our API supports frameworks that can send HTTP requests, as well as requests sent through Postman or curl. The documentation for each request includes examples for both approaches.

Public API URL: https://api.intuition.systems

Content Type

API requests need to be encoded as JSON and include the Content-Type: application/json header. This is included in the examples for each request, but if you're encountering unexpected issues check that you're encoding as JSON.


Our public API supports authentication through API Key. You'll need to include this with the x-api-key header. The individual requests include example headers.

You can read more about authenticating with API Keys in the API Key Authentication page.

Getting Your API Key

We've created a developer API Key Portal for generating your API Key. Our Dev Quick Start includes a walkthrough of this process if you haven't generated your API Key yet. You can always view your current API Key by navigating to the API Key Portal and signing a message. Your API Key is connected to your Ethereum wallet, so you can always retrieve your current API Key by following this same process.

Missing Authentication

If you don't include your API Key in the x-api-key header the API returns, a 401 Unauthorized response with the following information:

    "code": 401,
    "error": "`Authorization` header  or Api Key is missing"

If you're seeing this you're likely missing the x-api-key header in your request.

Invalid API Key

If you include an invalid API Key in the x-api-key header, the API returns a 401 Unauthorized response with the following information:

    "code": 401,
    "error": "`x-api-key` is invalid"

If you're seeing this be sure to check that your API Key is valid. If you need to check or request a new API Key you can visit the API Key Portal.


For successful API responses that include an array of items (such as Fetching all Identities) the API includes pagination.

This is the response object structure on any successful request that includes pagination:

    "page": 1, // The current page in pagination sequence
    "limit": 100, // The max number of items returned on a single page
    "total": 50, // Total number of items 
    "data": [{}] // Array of response items

Getting Started

Check out our documentation for each of our API requests.

Last updated