
Claims are

What Are Claims?

Claims are formulated as semantic triples, a universal format enabling the construction of complex statements from fundamental elements. Identities can be strung together to create Claims that articulate assertions about any entity and relationship imaginable.

Claim Structure

At the core of each Claim are three components: a Subject, a Predicate, and an Object — each being an Identity in its own right. This structure facilitates the expression of relationships and attributes in a clear, verifiable, and structured manner.

Let's look at some examples of different types of Claims about a Subject Bob:

  • Bob [Subject] - won [Predicate] - ETHGlobal [Object]

    • This Claim asserts that Bob has won ETHGlobal.

  • Bob [Subject] - member of [Predicate] - BuidlGuidl [Object]

    • This Claim asserts that Bob is identified as a member of BuidlGuidl.

  • Bob [Subject] - is [Predicate] - Trustworthy [Object]

    • This Claim describes a trait about Bob -- that he is Trustworthy.

  • Bob [Subject] - likes [Predicate] - Intuition's Thread on Reputation [Object]

    • This Claim states Bob's preference for Intuition's thread on reputation.

Through these varied examples, we see how Claims can describe different aspects of Bob's interactions, attributes, and preferences. Each part of these Claims — whether it be the Subject, Predicate, or Object — is an Identity demonstrating the interconnectedness of Identities and Claims in defining relationships and attributes.

Structuring Knowledge With Claims

Claims transform "unstructured" knowledge, opinions, and thoughts into a structured format. Uniquely identifiable through the keccak256 hash of their components, Claims also acquire an Ethereum address upon creation.

By composing together Identities and Claims, we create a rich network that reflects our understanding of the world. This structured approach enables anyone to share insights, search for information, and make statements about the world around you. It is through this framework that your Intuition becomes a shared resource, allowing for building collective learning and discovery.

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