
Protocol documentation for the Intuition AtomWallet.sol smart contract.

Contract Information

Inherits: BaseAccount (from @account-abstraction/contracts)

Author: 0xIntuition

Core contract of the Intuition protocol. This contract is the abstract account associated to a corresponding atom.

State Variables


The owner of the AtomWallet, capable of executing transactions.

address public owner;


The EntryPoint contract's address, facilitating external calls and deposits.

IEntryPoint private immutable _entryPoint;



Initializes a new AtomWallet with a specified EntryPoint and owner.

constructor(IEntryPoint anEntryPoint, address anOwner);
  • Inputs:

    • IEntryPoint anEntryPoint: The address of the EntryPoint contract.

    • address anOwner: The address of the wallet owner.

  • Outputs: None.


Returns the EntryPoint associated with this AtomWallet.

function entryPoint() public view virtual override returns (IEntryPoint);
  • Inputs: None.

  • Outputs:

    • IEntryPoint: The associated EntryPoint contract address.


Executes a single transaction from the AtomWallet. Only the owner or the EntryPoint can call this function.

function execute(address dest, uint256 value, bytes calldata func) external;
  • Inputs:

    • address dest: The destination address for the transaction.

    • uint256 value: The value (in wei) to be sent with the transaction.

    • bytes calldata func: The data payload of the transaction.

  • Outputs: None.


Executes a batch of transactions from the AtomWallet. It ensures that the dest and func arrays have matching lengths and that only the owner or EntryPoint initiates the execution.

function executeBatch(address[] calldata dest, bytes[] calldata func) external;
  • Inputs:

    • address[] calldata dest: An array of destination addresses for the transactions.

    • bytes[] calldata func: An array of data payloads for each transaction, matching the dest array in length.

  • Outputs: None.

_validateSignature (internal)

Validates the signature of a UserOperation. This function overrides the BaseAccount template method _validateSignature.

function _validateSignature(
    UserOperation calldata userOp, 
    bytes32 userOpHash
) internal virtual override returns (uint256 validationData);
  • Inputs:

    • UserOperation calldata userOp: The user operation to validate.

    • bytes32 userOpHash: The hash of the user operation.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 validationData: A numeric value indicating the result of the signature validation. Returns 0 if validation succeeds or SIG_VALIDATION_FAILED value (which should be 1) if it fails.

_call (internal)

Performs a low-level call to a target address with specified value and data.

function _call(address target, uint256 value, bytes memory data) internal;
  • Inputs:

    • address target: The target address for the call.

    • uint256 value: The amount of ether (in wei) to send.

    • bytes memory data: The data payload of the call.

  • Outputs: None.


Returns the current deposit amount for this account in the EntryPoint.

function getDeposit() public view returns (uint256);
  • Inputs: None.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256: The current deposit amount in the EntryPoint for this account.


Deposits additional funds to the AtomWallet's account in the EntryPoint.

function addDeposit() public payable;
  • Inputs: None. (The deposit amount is specified by msg.value)

  • Outputs: None.


Withdraws a specified amount from the AtomWallet's deposit to a given address. Only the owner can initiate the withdrawal.

function withdrawDepositTo(address payable withdrawAddress, uint256 amount) public;
  • Inputs:

    • address payable withdrawAddress: The address to send the withdrawn funds to.

    • uint256 amount: The amount to withdraw.

  • Outputs: None.

Last updated