
Protocol documentation for the Intuition EthMultiVault.sol smart contract.

Contract Information


  • IEthMultiVault,

  • Initializable, ReentrancyGuardUpgradeable & PausableUpgradeable from OpenZeppelin

Author: 0xIntuition

Core contract of the Intuition protocol. Manages the creation and management of vaults associated with Atoms & Triples.

State Variables


ID of the last vault to be created

  uint256 public count;


 struct VaultState {
        uint256 totalAssets;
        uint256 totalShares;
        // address -> balanceOf, amount of shares an account has in a vault
        mapping(address => uint256) balanceOf;


struct VaultFees {
        // entry fee for vault 0 is considered the default entry fee
        uint256 entryFee;
        // exit fee for each vault, exit fee for vault 0 is considered the default exit fee
        uint256 exitFee;
        // protocol fee for each vault, protocol fee for vault 0 is considered the default protocol fee
        uint256 protocolFee;


mapping(uint256 => VaultState) public vaults;
mapping(uint256 => VaultFees) public vaultFees;

Vault ID -> Atom Data

mapping(uint256 => bytes) public atoms;

Hash -> Atom ID

mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public AtomsByHash;

Triple ID -> Vault IDs

mapping(uint256 => uint256[3]) public triples;

Hash -> Triple ID

mapping(bytes32 => uint256) public TriplesByHash;

Vault Id -> (Is Triple)

mapping(uint256 => bool) public isTriple;

Triple ID -> Atom ID -> Account Address -> Atom Balance

mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => mapping(address => uint256)))

Write Methods


Creates an atom with the given atom data and returns its vault ID. Requires a payment of ETH to cover the atom cost.

function createAtom(
    bytes calldata atomUri
) external payable nonReentrant returns (uint256 id);
  • Inputs:

    • bytes calldata atomData: The data of the atom to be created.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 id: The vault ID of the created atom.


Creates a triple from three given atom IDs and returns its vault ID. Requires a payment of ETH to cover the triple cost.

function createTriple(
    uint256 subjectId,
    uint256 predicateId,
    uint256 objectId
) external payable returns (uint256 id);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 subjectId: Vault ID of the subject atom.

    • uint256 predicateId: Vault ID of the predicate atom.

    • uint256 objectId: Vault ID of the object atom.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 id: The vault ID of the created triple.


Deposits ETH into an atom vault, granting ownership of shares to the specified receiver.

function depositAtom(
   address receiver,
   uint256 id
) external payable returns (uint256 shares);
  • Inputs:

    • address receiver: The address to receive the shares.

    • uint256 id: The vault ID of the atom.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 shares: Amount of shares minted.


Deposits ETH into a triple vault, granting ownership of shares to the specified receiver.

function depositTriple(
   address receiver,
   uint256 id
) external payable returns (uint256 shares);
  • Inputs:

    • address receiver: The address to receive the shares.

    • uint256 id: The vault ID of the triple.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 shares: Amount of shares minted.


Redeems assets from an atom vault in exchange for a specified number of shares. The assets are sent to the specified receiver.

function redeemAtom(
   uint256 shares,
   address receiver,
   uint256 id
) external returns (uint256 assets);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 shares: Amount of shares to redeem.

    • address receiver:

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 assets: The amount of assets (ETH) withdrawn.


Redeems assets from a triple vault in exchange for a specified number of shares. The assets are sent to the specified receiver.

function redeemTriple(
    uint256 shares,
    address receiver,
    uint256 id
) external returns (uint256 assets);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 shares: Amount of shares to redeem.

    • address receiver: Address to receive the assets.

    • uint256 id: The vault ID of the triple.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 assets: The amount of assets (ETH) withdrawn.

Read Methods


A mapping that provides information about all vaults, including total assets and shares.

struct VaultState {
    uint256 totalAssets;
    uint256 totalShares;
    mapping(address => uint256) balanceOf;

mapping(uint256 => VaultState) public vaults;
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 id: Vault ID.

  • Outputs:

    • Returns a VaultState struct for the corresponding vault ID.


Simulates the deposit process, giving an estimate of the shares that would be minted from a specified amount of assets.

function previewDeposit(
    uint256 assets,
    uint256 id
) public view returns (uint256 shares);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 assets: Amount of assets to deposit.

    • uint256 id: Vault ID.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 shares: Estimated number of shares to be minted from the deposit.


Simulates the redemption process, estimating the amount of assets that would be returned for a specified number of shares from a given vault.

function previewRedeem(
    uint256 shares,
    uint256 id
) public view returns (uint256 assets, uint256 exitFees);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 shares: Amount of shares to redeem.

    • uint256 id: Vault ID.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 assets: Estimated amount of assets to be returned.


Returns the maximum number of shares that can be redeemed from the specified vault by the given owner.

function maxRedeem(
    address owner,
    uint256 id
) external view returns (uint256 shares);
  • Inputs:

    • address owner: Address of the account to check.

    • uint256 id: Vault ID.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 shares: Maximum amount of shares that can be redeemed by the specified owner.


Retrieves the balance of a particular user in a specified vault.

function getVaultBalance(
        uint256 vaultId,
        address user
) external view returns (uint256);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 vaultId: ID of the vault.

    • address user: Address of the user.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256: Balance of the user in the specified vault.


Calculates and returns the current price per share in the specified vault.

function currentSharePrice(
    uint256 id
) external view returns (uint256 price);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 id: Vault ID.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 price: Current share price in the vault.


Converts a specified number of shares to its equivalent amount in assets for a given vault.

function convertToAssets(
    uint256 shares,
    uint256 id
) public view returns (uint256 assets);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 shares: Number of shares.

    • uint256 id: Vault ID.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 assets: Equivalent amount of assets for the given shares.


Converts a specified amount of assets to its equivalent number of shares in a given vault.

function convertToShares(
    uint256 assets,
    uint256 id
) public view returns (uint256 shares);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 assets: Amount of assets.

    • uint256 id: Vault ID.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 shares: Equivalent amount of shares for the given assets.


A mapping that provides information about the fees associated with each vault.

struct VaultFees {
    uint256 entryFee;
    uint256 exitFee;
    uint256 protocolFee;

mapping(uint256 => VaultFees) public vaultFees;
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 id: Vault ID.

  • Outputs:

    • Returns a VaultFees struct for the corresponding vault ID.


Returns the states (including total assets and shares) of all vaults.

function getVaultStates() external view returns (Types.VaultState[] memory states);
  • Inputs: None.

  • Outputs:

    • Types.VaultState[] memory states: An array of VaultState structures for all vaults.


Checks if a given vault ID represents a triple.

mapping(uint256 => bool) public isTriple;
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 id: Vault ID.

  • Outputs:

    • bool: Indicates whether the specified vault ID corresponds to a triple.

Last updated