
Contract interaction for creating an Identity (Atom).

Creates an onchain Identity. In the context of onchain interactions, an Identity is known as an Atom. You should consider pairing this with Creating an Identity for offchain Identity creation. The Intuition Portal user journey for creating a Identity combines both the offchain and onchain interactions.

If you haven't already worked through the scaffolding in the Getting Started section you'll want to do that before continuing.

While you can create an Identity through onchain interactions only, it's recommended to combine this with an offchain create via our API and then passing the resulting identity_id into the createAtom for the most robust user experience and alignment with our protocol and knowledge graph.

createAtom Contract Function

We can start by looking at the createAtom function in our Protocol and Contracts section.


Creates an atom with the given atom data and returns its vault ID. Requires a payment of ETH to cover the atom cost.

function createAtom(
    bytes calldata atomUri
) external payable nonReentrant returns (uint256 id);
  • Inputs:

    • bytes calldata atomData: The data of the atom to be created.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 id: The vault ID of the created atom.

This signature is flexible and allows for any string to be passed in as the atomData.

If you're interested in aligning with the process we use in our Portal app, you'll want to create an offchain Identity via an API call and then pass in the identity_id that you get back in the response for the successfully created Identity. Following this flow ensures that the identity_id has a did Document for the associated metadata that is stored on IPFS.

useCreateAtom Hook

If you're using our Remix Starter Template we provide this hook for you in the lib/hooks folder. This specific hook wraps the functionality for creating an onchain Identity (Atom).

import { type GetContractReturnType } from 'viem'
import { optimismSepolia } from 'viem/chains'
import { useContractWriteAndWait } from './useContractWriteAndWait'
import { useMultivaultContract } from './useMultivaultContract'

export const useCreateAtom = () => {
  const multivault = useMultivaultContract(,
  ) as GetContractReturnType

  return useContractWriteAndWait({
    functionName: 'createAtom',

If you're looking to generalize this pattern for use with other contracts, you'll want to switch out the ABI and be sure that the functionName matches a function in your contract. In this hook, the functionName: 'createAtom' matches the createAtom function in our contract.

This hook leverages the scaffolding outlined in the Getting Started section. If you're unsure of where any of these values come from consider revisiting that page.

Once this hook pattern is established you can use it in your contract interactions. The following example is a snippet from how we structure our createAtom call for the onchain creation step in the Create Identity Flow in our Portal.

Let's look at a full example that also leverages our transaction reducer for handling the transaction lifecycle state:

import { useCreateAtom } from '@/lib/hooks/useCreateAtom'
import { type TransactionReceipt, formatUnits, keccak256, toHex } from 'viem'
import { useAccount, usePublicClient, useWalletClient } from 'wagmi'

// hook setup
const publicClient = usePublicClient()
const { address } = useAccount()
// useCreateAtom() setup
const {
    writeAsync: writeCreateAtom,
} = useCreateAtom()

// example async function leveraging useCreateAtom
async function handleOnChainCreateAtom({ atomData }: { atomData: string }) {
    if (
      !awaitingOnChainConfirmation &&
      !awaitingWalletConfirmation &&
      writeCreateAtom &&
    ) {
      try {
        dispatch({ type: 'TRANSACTION_APPROVE' })
        const identityTx = await writeCreateAtom({
          args: [keccak256(toHex(atomData))],
          value: atomCost,
        dispatch({ type: 'TRANSACTION_APPROVE_COMPLETE' })
        dispatch({ type: 'TRANSACTION_PROGRESS' })
        if (identityTx !== undefined && identityTx.hash) {
          dispatch({ type: 'TRANSACTION_PROGRESS_PROGRESS' })
          const identityTxReceipt =
            await publicClient.waitForTransactionReceipt({
              hash: identityTx.hash,
            type: 'TRANSACTION_COMPLETE',
            txHash: identityTx.hash,
            txReceipt: identityTxReceipt,
            (_) => (
            { duration: 5000 },
      } catch (error) {
        logger('error', error)
        if (error instanceof Error) {
          let errorMessage = 'Error in onchain transaction.'
          if (error.message.includes('insufficient')) {
            errorMessage =
              'Insufficient funds. Please add more OP to your wallet and try again.'
          if (error.message.includes('rejected')) {
            errorMessage = 'Transaction rejected. Try again when you are ready.'
            type: 'TRANSACTION_ERROR',
            error: errorMessage,
            (t) => (
              <IdentityToast toastType="error" errorMessage={errorMessage} />
            { duration: 5000 },

This comprehensive example is an example of our full onchain Identity creation. You can remove pieces from this to simplify the interaction as shown in our Remix Starter Template.

Last updated