IEthMultiVault.sol Events

Documentation for the IEthMultiVault.sol Interface events in our core EthMultiVault.sol smart contract.

Interface Information

Author: 0xIntuition

Events described in the interface of the EthMultiVault contract, used for managing many ERC4626 style vaults in a single contract.



Emitted upon the minting of shares in the vault by depositing assets.

event Deposit(
        address indexed sender,
        address indexed receiver,
        uint256 vaultBalance,
        uint256 assets,
        uint256 shares,
        uint256 id

Logged Parameters:

  • sender: Address of the initiator of the deposit.

  • receiver: Address of the beneficiary receiving the minted shares.

  • vaultBalance: The total assets held in the vault after the deposit.

  • assets: The total amount of assets transferred in the deposit.

  • shares: The total shares transferred as a result of the deposit.

  • id: Vault ID associated with the deposit event.


Emitted upon the withdrawal of assets from a vault through redeeming shares.

event Withdraw(
    address indexed sender,
    address indexed owner,
    uint256 vaultBalance,
    uint256 assets,
    uint256 shares,
    uint256 exitFee,
    uint256 id

Logged Parameters:

  • sender: Address of the initiator of the withdrawal.

  • receiver: Address of the beneficiary receiving the minted shares.

  • vaultBalance: The total assets remaining in the vault post-withdrawal.

  • assets: The amount of assets that were transferred out of the vault.

  • shares: The total number of shares that were redeemed in this transaction.

  • id: The unique identifier of the vault from which assets are withdrawn.


Emitted upon creation of an Atom.

event AtomCreated(
    address indexed creator,
    address indexed atomWallet,
    bytes atomData,
    uint256 vaultID

Logged Parameters:

  • creator: Address of the Atom creator.

  • atomWallet: Address of the Atom's associated abstract account.

  • atomData: The Atom's respective string data.

  • vaultID: The vault ID of the Atom.


Emitted upon creation of a Triple.

event TripleCreated(
    address indexed creator,
    uint256 subjectId,
    uint256 predicateId,
    uint256 objectId,
    uint256 vaultID,
    uint256 positiveVaultId

Logged Parameters:

  • creator: Address of the Triple creator.

  • subjectId: The Triple's respective subject Atom.

  • predicateId: The Triple's respective predicate Atom.

  • objectId: The Triple's respective object Atom.

  • vaultID: The vault ID of the triple.

Last updated