
Glossary of Intuition terms.



Decentralized identifier as defined by the W3C DID Spec


Verifiable Credential as defined by the https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/


Identities are the smallest units of knowledge in Intuition. Identities are the building blocks that form claims, represented as Subjects, Predicates, Objects, and Claims. All Claims are a composition of Identities, and Claims can be used as Identities in other Claims.


Claims are Semantic Triples. Claims are in the form of Subject-Predicate-Object. Composed of Identities.


A noun, identified by the name. Serves as a base for other objects. This is the entity that a Claim is about. Example: "Billy is Trustworthy." -> "Billy" is the Subject.


The key in the key-value pair of Predicate: Object. Example: "Billy is Trustworthy." -> "is" is the Predicate.


The value in the key-value pair of Predicate: Object. Example: "Billy is Trustworthy." -> "Trustworthy" is the Object.


A visual representation of the relative sentiment about an identity based on the total amount staked by attestors.


Conviction represent units of ownership in Identities and Claims.

Conviction Price

Conviction price is the price of a unit of ownership.


Your individual position denotes your amount staked or amount of conviction units owned on an identity.


The number of users who have an active position on an identity.


Total value locked is the total amount staked on this identity across all attestors. This is a userโ€™s individual % owned of TVL.


ERC-4626 Tokenized Vault Standard.


Extension of ERC-4626 Tokenized Vault Standard. Vaults are referenced by vault_id.


Users can stake on an object to indicate agreement or usefulness. In doing so, users gain partial ownership of the object and receive rewards from its continued utility.


Contrary to staking, users can indicate disagreement with an object by counter-staking. In doing so, users also become partial owners and receive rewards if others oppose as well.


The amount that an action costs to perform.

Atom Fee

The fee paid to Create or Stake on an Identity (Atom). A portion of the Atom Fee pays all holders of the respective Identity's Atom Shares.

Triple Fee

The fee paid to Create or Stake on a Claim (Triple). A portion of the Triple Fee pays all holders of the respective Claim's Triple Shares.

Atom Equity Fee

The fee paid to the creator of an Identity, when that Identity is used in a Claim, both on creation and staking.


A method by which state in the Intuition system is interpreted. Any data can be interpreted any way. However, reusable interpretations and interpretation models enable deeper cooperation between higher-level actors.

Official Interpretation

An Interpretation that has an officially approved meaning. For example, a Claim having a "hasAccess" Predicate may have an Official Interpretation of granting the user access to something.

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