IEthMultiVault.sol Functions

Documentation for the IEthMultiVault.sol Interface functions in our core EthMultiVault.sol smart contract.

Interface Information

Author: 0xIntuition

Functions described in the interface of the EthMultiVault contract, used for managing many ERC4626 style vaults in a single contract.



Return the underlying atom vault ids given a Triple vault ID.

function getTripleAtoms(
        uint256 id
) external view returns (uint256, uint256, uint256);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 id: Vault ID

  • Outputs:

    • uint256, uint256, uint256: Underlying Atom vaults for the Triple.


Mapping to designate if a vault ID is a Triple.

function isTriple(uint256 id) external view returns (bool);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 id: Vault ID

  • Outputs:

    • bool: True/false for whether vault ID is a Triple.


Return Triple atom shares given Triple ID, Atom ID, and account address.

function tripleAtomShares(
        uint256 id,
        uint256 atomId,
        address account
) external view returns (uint256);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 id: Vault ID

    • uint256 atomId: Atom ID of the Atom

    • address account: Account address of the account.

  • Outputs:

    • uint256: Triple Atom shares


Returns true for Triple vaults and false for Atom vaults. Designates if provided vault ID is a Triple.

function assertTriple(uint256 id) external view returns (bool);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 id: ID of the vault to check

  • Output:

    • bool: true if provided vault ID is a Triple; false otherwise


Returns the Triple ID for the given counter-Triple ID.

function getCounterIdFromTriple(uint256 id) external returns (uint256);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 id: Counter Triple ID

  • Outputs:

    • uint256: Triple ID


Returns the corresponding hash for the given RDF triple, given the Atoms that make up the Triple.

function tripleHashFromAtoms(
        bytes memory subject,
        bytes memory predicate,
        bytes memory object
) external pure returns (bytes32);
  • Inputs:

    • bytes memory subject:

    • bytes memory predicate:

    • bytes memory object:

  • Outputs:

    • bytes32: Corresponding hash for the given RDF Triple (subject, predicate, object)


Returns the amount of shares that would be exchanged with the vault for the amount of assets provided.

function convertToShares(
        uint256 assets,
        uint256 id
) external view returns (uint256 shares);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 assets: Amount of assets

    • uint256 id: Vault ID

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 shares: Amount of shares for the amount of assets provided.


Returns the amount of assets that would be exchanged with the vault for the amount of shares provided.

function convertToAssets(
        uint256 shares,
        uint256 id
) external view returns (uint256 assets);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 shares: Amount of shares

    • uint256 id: Vault ID

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 assets: Amount of assets for the amount of shares provided.


Simulates the effects of depositing assets at the current block.

function previewDeposit(
        uint256 assets,
        uint256 id
) external view returns (uint256 shares);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 assets: The amount of assets to deposit.

    • uint256 id: Vault ID

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 shares: The amount of shares from depositing the amount of assets


Simulates the effects of redeeming shares at the current block.

function previewRedeem(
        uint256 shares,
        uint256 id
) external view returns (uint256 assets, uint256 exitFees);
  • Inputs:

    • uint256 shares: The amount of shares to redeem.

    • uint256 id: Vault ID

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 assets: The amount of assets from redeeming the amount of shares

    • uint256 exitFees: Any fees associated with redeeming the amount of shares.


Max amount of shares that can be redeemed from the owner balance through a redeem call.

function maxRedeem(
        address owner,
        uint256 id
) external view returns (uint256 shares);
  • Inputs:

    • address owner: The owner's address

    • uint256 id: Vault ID

  • Outputs:

    • uint256 shares: The max amount of shares that can be redeemed.

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